Doing Digital Differently

How to understand AI’s place in the world

1 min read

There are clear indications that artificial intelligence (AI) can create huge value for companies across industries. But how is AI connected to the physical and digital world?

How to understand AI’s place in the world

Artificial intelegence in business

The figure below gives a high-level illustration.

Placement of AI

  1. Sensors translate physical elements into data, i.e. matter to bits.
  2. Raw data is stored in a repository.
  3. Data are cleaned and prepared for analysis. This step is often the most time consuming and can take up 60-80% of the total time and man power.
  4. Analysis is conducted using artificial intelligence, machine learning and statistics.
  5. The analysis can also draw on data from other sources, for example from the cloud.
  6. The analysis produces one or several results.
  7. The result(s) are translated back into physical elements, i.e. from bits to matter. This can be done by an actor or a machine (e.g. a 3D printer, robot).

We believe connecting products and services in the physical world with AI capabilities can bring significant competitive advantages to companies if they know how to integrate AI. How does your company’s products and services use AI?

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