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Tibold Kandrai, Hungary

3 min read

Tibold Kandrai is passionate about making Estaldo a success. He co-founded the startup in Denmark, and Denmark is a good place to breed a successful tech company. Namely because of the tech-savvy population and digital infrastructure.


Tibold Kandrai

Country of Origin



Chief Technology Officer

Years in Tech


Updated 26.04.2021
Tibold Kandrai, Hungary

“I had my consultancy and had been working as a freelancer for years. As such, I had to refresh my CV with my current projects and for one of these updates, I got professional help to revamp my Linkedin. This made recruiters notice me. At this point, I had already been living in Aalborg for seven years. I got a five-month contract with Aveva at their local office after which they hired me full-time. My boss at Aveva was the one who introduced me to Jakob Neua Nørgaard, with whom I ended up founding Estaldo together with Roland Pop. What I learned from this experience is that getting to know people made it a lot easier to find a good job, and it is what later made it possible to form Estaldo. In our industry, it is always possible to find a job, but without a large network, it might take longer to find the open positions.”

A transparent culture will naturally enhance trust and collaboration

“As the CTO, I deal with everything IT related, for example, caring for the development process and project management, guiding other’s toward our shared vision, maintaining the IT equipment and nurturing our production setup and service. Every morning in Estaldo, we all have a coordination meeting. Other than that we don’t have a set schedule. Our process is agile, so we change as our business needs it.”

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“The company culture in Estaldo is transparent. We are open and honest with our employees about our plans and the state of the company, which we present to all once a month. This develops trust between everyone in the workplace and increases productivity and collaboration naturally. Our goal is that employees feel happy, and when they come to work each morning, they do so not because they have to have a job but because they are excited and want to be part of our journey.”

“Outside work I am focusing my attention toward learning. It is increasingly important to keep up to date with the tech field, and we are approaching many new major releases. Especially as a CTO, I need to be up to date on a large number of topics!”

Denmark has a good tech infrastructure to build a startup success

“I have always wanted to study abroad and meet new cultures. Denmark had an appealing education offer at the time ten years ago when I moved here. The approach to life here is very different from what I was used to. It helps me focus on what I care about. The social safety net is strong which alleviate some stress though I never have had to make use of it. People here are a lot friendlier than I expected. When I moved to Denmark, I got a handmade long leather jacket to protect me from the weather. The first year or so, random people on the street kept stopping me to tell me it looked cool or to ask if I would sell it!”

“I plan to develop Estaldo into a success. The Danish population is more tech-savvy than most countries and they accept digital solutions as part of life. Additionally, Denmark already has the digital infrastructure to make it a success. The rest of Europe is still more of an emerging market, which will open for similar business models in the future.”

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