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Oleh Stasula, Ukraine

3 min read

Oleh Stasula from Ukraine had already worked in several Nordic countries before taking a bet on Copenhagen. There, he discovered the FinTech Undo with a mission to innovate in insurance that resonated with him. The open and direct feedback culture allows him to improve professionally, but he found more than a job. Denmark is a place for him to explore what’s meaningful in life.


Oleh Stasula

Country of Origin



iOS Developer

Years in Tech


Updated 28.04.2021
Oleh Stasula, Ukraine

I was sceptical at first but the city of Copenhagen won me over

“To be honest, at first, my dream was to live in Stockholm, but my girlfriend who was still living in Ukraine found the perfect position for her in Copenhagen. That was our chance to finally live together so I moved to Denmark while staying within the same company.”

“In the beginning, I was sceptical about moving to Copenhagen. I had visited a few times before as a tourist and on business trips but it wasn’t enough to convince me. After moving to Copenhagen things slowly started to get better, and now after two and a half years, I think Copenhagen is the best place for me to be. Even though it is a relatively small city it's very diverse as well. There is a mix of different neighbourhoods and cultures, and it’s very comfortable to live here.”

“After moving here, I kept a close eye on the startup scene. I discovered Undo, which I found outstanding. The company was instantly appealing to me because I always had an interest in fintech. I was waiting for an opportunity and about a year later, I reached out to them at the perfect time as they were about to hire for my position.”

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The Danish startup culture allows open and constructive feedback

“Insurance is a tough industry for innovation. I like the challenge of changing it. At Undo, we aim at making insurance far more user friendly, more fair, understandable and transparent. We have just released a new product, a car insurance, and I love being part of it. It's important for me to work in a company which has a strong mission.”

“Compared to Ukraine, the work culture in Denmark is a completely different world. But even compared to Estonia or Sweden, it is more open and more direct. People tell it like it is, whether you have done a good job or a bad one. I appreciate receiving more feedback, and it helps me to constantly improve.”

I have found more than a job in Denmark

“I would advise foreigners to consider moving to Denmark in search of more than a job. What really stands out is the work-life balance embedded in society. There’s less stress, more comfort and more freedom to be yourself. It gives a chance to explore what's important in life. I feel very safe, secure, and excited to envision my future.”

Explore: FinTech in Denmark.

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